题目:Time is shrinking from the eye of AI: AI Agents Influence Intertemporal Choice.
时间:2025年03月13日 14:30-16:00
Agents help consumers make decisions. While agents have traditionally been human (e.g., sales associate, real estate agent, financial advisor), artificial intelligence (AI) agents are becoming more prevalent. We find that the type of agent, AI versus human, has an influence on intertemporal judgment. Specifically, when an agent is identified as AI, the concept of fast processing becomes more accessible, which makes time delays seem subjectively longer and encourages impatient behavior. These results have implications for how to conceptualize the influence of AI agents on judgment, the impact of time perception on intertemporal choices, and the sources of impatient behavior.
代理(Agents)可帮助消费者做出决策。传统意义上的代理通常是人类(如销售顾问、房地产经纪人、财务顾问),而人工智能(AI)代理正变得越来越普遍。我们发现,代理类型(AI vs. 人类)会影响跨期决策。具体而言,当代理被标识为AI时,"快速处理"的概念会被更易激活,这使得时间延迟在主观上显得更长,从而助长急躁行为。这些发现对以下方面具有启示:如何界定AI代理对判断的影响机制、时间感知对跨期选择的作用路径,以及急躁行为的诱发根源。
李媛媛,现任南方科技大学助理教授(副研究员、博导),入选深圳市海外高层次人才和深圳市后备级人才计划。李媛媛博士毕业于比利时鲁汶大学市场营销系,此前分别于北京大学光华管理学院获得人力资源管理学学士,北京大学心理学系获得应用心理学硕士学位。李媛媛的研究兴趣包括消费者行为、行为决策、演化心理学等。她的研究成果发表于Journal of Consumer Psychology(FT50, ABS4*;消费者心理学学会Society for Consumer Psychology官方期刊)等消费者行为学领域重要学术期刊,并主持一项国家自然科学基金项目(已结项)。