
题目:Innovation in the Greater Bay Area amid Long-arm Jurisdiction 长臂管辖下的大湾区创新


时间: 2023年11月2日12:00-13:30



This talk aims to discuss a series of works in academia, industry and media that address the difficulties faced with innovation policies amid long-arm jurisdiction. We will start with the progression of the industrial revolutions and artificial intelligence and argue that traditional theories in innovation economics have failed. We will compare key bay areas in the world and discuss how the Greater Bay Area could further contribute to China’s growth.


赵克锋,密西根大学博士,世界领先教育巨头伽利略集团辖下最新成立的巴黎科技商学院亚洲校长、教授。兼任深圳市人工智能产业协会学术主席,世界领先专利权公司IPWe中国首席经济学家,与诺贝尔得奖人悌诺尔等合作研究专利和标准制定。曾任职于北京大学、纽约大学等,兼任数家欧洲商学院、国内领先银行、孵化器之董事,亦任中央电视台、俄罗斯 RT 电视台等特约评论员,约五百次分析国内外重要政经事件。国际潮青联合会副会长、法国潮州会馆常务副会长,香港科技大学上海校友会创始会长,荣誉会长,香港恒生大学深圳中心荣誉顾问。

题目:Dutch Disease Does Not Lead to the Resource Curse: County-Level Evidence from China, 1990-2020




摘要: Do abundant natural resources promote or hinder local economic development? Using new data on mineral endowments from a comprehensive set of mining sites in China and exploiting exogenous changes in world mineral prices, we estimate the causal effect of resource booms on county-level economic development and industrial structure during 1990-2020 in China. In the short run, GDP per capita increases, the service sector expands, while the manufacturing sector contracts during mining booms. In the long run, mineral booms have crowded out the manufacturing activity but have not resulted in a decline in GDP per capita. Additionally, abundant resources promote the expansion of the overall industrial sector (including manufacturing and mining). These results indicate that there exists a “Dutch disease” in China, but such a disease does not lead to the Resource Curse. Further analysis shows that resource-abundant counties have higher fiscal revenues and provide more public goods per capita, which could potentially explain why their GDP growth rate is unaffected. However, resource-abundant counties do not exhibit higher growth rate either, which is mainly driven by a small number of counties that exhausted their mineral resources.

丰富的自然资源会对地区经济发展产生促进作用还是阻碍作用?囿于数据质量和内生性问题,实证文献关于“资源诅咒”是否存在以及发生机制仍未达成共识。本文基于中国232类矿种、达27569个矿产地储量的新颖数据,利用世界矿产价格变动作为外生冲击,考察了1990-2020年期间自然资源对2300个县市经济发展水平以及产业结构转型的因果效应。我们发现,短期而言,地区的人均GDP以及服务业就业占比对矿产价格波动表现为顺周期波动,制造业就业占比表现为逆周期波动。长期而言,矿产资源挤出了地区的制造业,但是并未导致地区人均GDP增长率的下降。同时,矿产资源促进了地区的广义工业部门(包括制造业和采矿业)的扩张。这一结果表明丰富的矿产资源导致了狭义的“荷兰病”(制造业衰退),但并没有导致广义的“资源诅咒”,这一结果与大部分文献发现不同。进一步机制分析显示,自然资源丰富的地区具有更高的财政收入和更多的人均公共品供给,并且采矿业企业与制造业企业同样呈现出持续的生产率增长,这可以解释为何资源型城市的人均GDP 增速未受影响。但是,资源相对丰富的城市并未获得更高的人均GDP增长率。这一现象主要由一些资源枯竭的城市后续制造业发展乏力所解释。

个人简介:尤炜,北京大学新结构经济学研究院助理教授。2017年毕业于美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校获得经济学博士学位。于2017至2020年期间,担任纽约大学费曼房地产和城市政策研究中心(Furman Center for Real Estate and Urban Policy)研究员(Research Fellow)。研究方向包括城市和区域经济学,发展经济学,以及经济史。研究成果发表在American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, Journal of Labor Economics, Journal of Housing Economics, and Remote Sensing等期刊。