题目:Miscellaneous perspectives on publishing in top- and high-level journals (with emphasis on accounting and finance journals)
时间:2024年12月16日 10:00-11:30
摘要:This presentation offers a comprehensive guide to publishing in top-tier accounting and finance journals. It discusses the importance of topic selection, econometric work, and theoretical contributions, and contrasts the preferences of US and European journals. Prof. Chan shares insights on journal scopes, the significance of citing recent articles, and the challenges of publishing in "A" journals. Personal experiences, including a five-year publication journey, highlight the need for innovation, robust methodology, and theoretical advancements. Practical advice on identifying research ideas and the importance of co-authoring with experienced colleagues are also provided.
个人简介:陈锦全,上海商学院会计与金融学特聘教授,学科带头人。他曾担任美国西肯塔基大学Leon Page金融讲席教授和大学特聘教授(终身)。他是特许金融分析师(CFA),并获得美国国务院富布赖特学者奖。
他在香港中文大学获得经济学学士学位,在阿拉巴马大学获得经济学硕士、金融硕士和金融博士学位。他的研究兴趣包括绿色金融、首次公开募股、公司治理、分析师行为、内部控制、金融教育、期刊排名和智力贡献衡量。2011年,他在Danielson和Heck的管理金融研究中被评为全球金融教育顶尖学者。他在会计、财务和管理期刊上发表了300多篇期刊文章, 包括 Management Science; Journal of International Business Studies; Accounting, Organizations, and Society; Contemporary Accounting Research; European Accounting Review; Financial Management; Journal of Accounting, Auditing, and Finance; Journal of Banking and Finance; Journal of Business Ethics (5 articles); Journal of Financial Markets; Journal of Empirical Finance; Journal of Futures Markets; Journal of Corporate Finance (16 articles)。