
题目:Blocking Patents, Rent Protection and Economic Growth





We develop a Schumpeterian growth model to analyze the interaction between patent policy and firms’ internal strategies to capture value from innovations. We consider two dimensions of patent policy: backward protection against imitation and forward protection, also known as blocking patents, against subsequent innovation that builds on a patented technology. Incumbent patent holders endogenously invest resources to protect their monopoly rents by impeding market entry of innovative competitors. We show that patent policy impacts economic growth through its influence on both the ex-ante R&D incentives of potential innovators and the post-innovation rent protection incentives of incumbent firms. Most importantly, our analysis formalizes a novel growth-promoting role of forward protection; by guaranteeing previous innovators a share of future innovators’ profits, forward protection reduces the incentive to actively obstruct follow-on innovations. We identify conditions under which the selective use of forward protection can stimulate economic growth through this mechanism.



杨毅柏博士现任澳门大学经济系助理教授,博士生导师,Economic Modelling副主编,澳大利亚悉尼大学经济学博士,曾在悉尼大学和宁波诺丁汉大学工作。主要研究方向为经济增长、创新、知识产权、货币经济学、财政政策等。目前在《经济研究》、European Economic Review、Journal of Money, Credit and Banking、Review of Economic Dynamics、Macroeconomic Dynamics等国内外知名期刊发表研究论文10余篇,主持广东省自然科学基金项目,并担任Economic Theory、International Economic Review、Journal of Economic Theory、Journal of Money, Credit and Banking和Review of Economic Dynamics等期刊的审稿人。