
题目:When Skilled Workforce Comes to Town: Evidence from Talent Policies in China


时间:2024年5月31日 14:00-15:45


摘要:Many countries, including China, have implemented talent policies to attract skilled workers and support technology-driven economies. In China, cities offer subsidies, tax breaks, housing, and other incentives to attract talent in specific industries. In our study, we analyze the impact of these policies on the local labor market, migration patterns, and firm innovation using a comprehensive dataset. By analyzing policy documents, job postings, migrant surveys, and patent data, we observe a significant increase in job postings and new firm entry in the targeted city-industries. The majority of this increase is due to new firms.  Analyzing skill requirements in job postings, we find changes in the composition of skills demanded. There is an increase in topics related to data analytics, digital economy, computer science, design, and automation, while conventional skills experience a decrease.

Accounting for spatial skill sorting, we find no substantial increase in wages offered in job postings, indicating that supply shocks from subsidies are offset by corresponding demand responses from firms. Moreover, the rise in job postings is predominantly driven by new firms rather than incumbent ones, supporting the idea that jobs follow people.


个人简介:香港科技大学经济系及公共政策系助理教授。2017年毕业于英国伦敦政治经济学院,获得经济学博士学位。研究方向包括城市和区域经济学、环境经济学、发展经济学。研究成果发表在American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, Journal of Urban Economics, MIS Quarterly, Nature Climate Change等期刊。