题目:The Application of Meta-analysis in Entrepreneurship Research: Taking Entrepreneurial Passion as An Example
摘要:In recent years, meta-analysis has attracted increasing attention in entrepreneurship research due to its advantage in integrating research findings. In this seminar, I will introduce the key issues in conducting meta-analysis in the field of entrepreneurship. Using our entrepreneurial passion study as an example, I will discuss how entrepreneurial passion’s effect size varies across measures and operationalizations. Our study finds that the role-based measure outperforms the dualistic measure on some outcomes but not on performance. The role-based measure’s IPF and IC dimensions are strongly correlated, and so are its three domains, putting its theoretical assumptions in question. Scholars often use it against the guidelines, although the obtained effect sizes do not drop. The dualistic measure is more effective when the original questions are used and when entrepreneurship-specific targets are mentioned. Yet, its focus is not positive feelings perse. The meta-analysis results indicate that the search for an ideal passion model should continue.
个人简介:刘青林,对外经济贸易大学国际商学院助理教授、博士生副导师,美国伦斯勒理工大学管理学博士。主要研究领域为创业者情绪和幸福感、工作场所不良行为、元分析等。研究成果发表在Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice、International Journal of Human Resource Management 等期刊。担任Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice、 Journal of Business Venturing、Management and Organization Review 等期刊匿名审稿人。现主持教育部人文社科青年项目1项。入选北京市高校优秀本科育人团队(2023)。