

题目:Optimal Discrimination-free Auction

主讲人: 陈博

时间: 2023年12月25日14:00-15:30


摘要:This paper introduces a second-price auction with a flexible reserve price, where the reserve price for the top bidder is not fixed but rather determined as a function of all losing bids. We show that when bidders are ex-ante heterogeneous, a second-price auction with an optimally chosen flexible reserve price not only generates strictly higher expected revenue than that of a second-price auction with any fixed reserve price but is also revenue-maximizing among all mechanisms that implement discrimination-free social choice functions. We also provide an axiomatic characterization of all second-price auctions with a flexible reserve price. Finally, we discuss real-life implementation.


陈博,深圳大学经济学院副教授,专注于对竞赛和拍卖中的机制设计和信息披露规则设计的基础理论研究,其成果相继发表于RAND Journal of Economics、Games and Economic Behavior、Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization、Journal of Mathematical Economics等国际一流学术期刊。


题目:Is There a Prototype Leader Look? Evidence from A Paired-Photo Study in China

主讲人: 李桃

时间: 2023年12月27日星期三14:00-15:30


摘要:Is the tendency to associate leadership effectiveness with a certain physical appearance universal, or is it a byproduct of mass electoral politics? This paper reports the first paired-photo study of leaders in a non-electoral setting. We first demonstrate that some basic findings of appearance-based leadership scholarship can be generalized to China. Chinese subjects can identify local politicians from their faces with above-chance accuracy. The faces of local political leaders are considered to be more competent, more trustworthy, and more electable than local business leaders. We also push further our understanding of the political effects of the physical appearance of public officials by showing that Chinese politicians seem to be able to command obedience when subjects have the option to individually or collectively oppose an unfavorable arrangement. In summary, our findings imply the existence of a "prototype leader look" predating the era of mass electoral politics.


李桃,男, 1999年北京大学政府系本科毕业,同时获得经济学双学位。2005年哈佛毕业,获统计学硕士和政治学(博弈论方向)博士学位。专业方向为公共政策分析与应用经济学。2005年起先后任职于上海财经大学经济学院助理教授(同时在公管学院兼职),北京大学汇丰商学院副教授,澳门大学政府系助理教授及副教授。有20篇学术文章发表于经济学与公共管理学领域的SSCI期刊,包括Journal of Public Economics, Economic Journal, Governance等一流学术期刊。