
An interdisciplinary perspective to leadership: toward an alternative unfolding

主讲人: 张海娜

时间: 2024年1月3日星期三14:00-15:30



Leadership is a universal social phenomenon that fascinates and intrigues. Numerous theories of leadership abound, each seemingly revealing a partial glimpse of this vital and valuable form of social conduct. This seminar will offer an interdisciplinary perspective to leadership, which provides an alternative unfolding of leadership theories. The seminar will discuss two research projects: the first project, deploying qualitative research methodology and interdisciplinary perspectives of philosophy, psychology and business management, develops a Chinese pragmatic leadership theory by contrasting human ontologies between East and West, which is distinctly different from that of Western leadership models; the second project, deploying quantitative research methodology and interdisciplinary perspectives of sociology, psychology and business management, investigates how relational leadership impacts employees’ work-life balance. Representing two exemplary different research methodologies in management field, both research projects draw upon an interdisciplinary perspective and approach to provide an alternative unfolding of leadership, such as pragmatic leadership and relational leadership, and add to the intellectual debate on global leadership by offering a unique perspective on leadership.


张海娜,新西兰奥塔哥大学管理学博士。曾在格拉斯哥大学,兰卡斯特大学,阿伯丁大学等英国知名大学任教,阿伯丁大学教授并曾担任阿伯丁大学商学院院长职务。曾担任英国管理学会国际商务和国际管理方向的主席,在多个国际期刊担任Editorial Board Member, 并任European Management Journal的副主编职务。曾主持多个国际研究项目,论文发表在 Journal of Management, Human Resource Management, Journal of Vocational Behaviour, Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology, Journal of Business Ethics and Asia Pacific Journal of Management 等国际知名学术期刊 。 多次被国际会议和海内外知名高校邀请做学术讲座交流。