题目:Why and When Servant Leadership Spurs Followers to Speak Up: A Conservation of Resources Perspective
时间:2024年12月19日 14:30-16:30
摘要:Servant leadership has been found to motivate followers to express constructive voice, but why is this the case? Studies so far have identified a “can do” mechanism that enables followers to speak up and a “reason to” mechanism that promote their willingness to do so. Nevertheless, these mechanisms have not considered the role of servant leadership in energizing both leaders and followers, which facilitates followers’ constructive voice through an “energized to” mechanism. This study aims to unpack the “energized to” mechanism to understand how and when servant leadership can motivate followers’ constructive voice. Drawing from conservation of resources theory, we propose that servant leadership can contribute to both leaders’ and followers’ energy, particularly among leaders with higher self-regulation ability. In turn, elevated energy levels in leaders and followers will promote followers’ constructive voice. To test these hypotheses, we conducted a time-lagged supervisor–subordinate matched survey. Results show that servant leadership increases both leaders and followers’ energy and then followers’ constructive voice, but this effect is observed only among leaders with high self-regulation ability. This research offers new insights into how and when servant leadership not only energizes followers but also benefits the leaders themselves.
个人简介:澳大利亚国立大学组织行为学博士,现任南澳大利亚大学助理教授,曾任英国南安普顿大学商学院和阿斯顿大学商学院组织行为和人力资源讲师。主要研究领域为谦卑性领导和公仆型领导、谏言与沉默、心理契约等。在 Journal of Organizational Behavior 、 Journal of Vocational Behavior 、 Leadership Quarterly 、 Journal of Business Ethics 等国际期刊发表论文。其谦卑性领导论文获2019年AOM大会领导学小组最佳博士论文奖。林晓霜为多个管理学和产业心理学期刊评审论文, 例如JOM、HR、JOB、JBE、MOR等,并于2023年被评为MOR最佳评审人。她目前主要教授MBA项目中的领导学,硕士和本科项目的变革管理,领导学等课程。