
题目:Visibility through smog: The unintentional informative effect of air pollution on stock prices



时间:2024 年 5 月23 日 上午10点到11点30分

地点:励耘楼 B312

摘要: Our study examines the impact of air pollution on the informativeness of stock prices based on Chinese listed companies. We identify a positive correlation between air pollution and stock price informativeness. This association holds across various robustness checks, including multiple definitions of informativeness and air pollution and instrumental variable regression analyses, regression discontinuity analysis and so on. Further, our findings reveal that increased air pollution garners additional external attention towards companies, subsequently enhancing the informativeness of stock prices. This effect is particularly strong in firms in regions with heightened public environmental awareness and companies in the heavily-polluting industries. Our results show that only the corporates with good corporate governance can benefit from the air pollution. Most notably, we establish that this unintentional increase in stock price informativeness linked to air pollution is associated with a rise in firm value.


个人简介:李伟平,中山大学国际金融学院助理教授,硕士生导师。主要研究兴趣是公司金融、绿色金融、数字金融和文化金融。目前已在Journal of Financial Stability、Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money、Business Strategy and the Environment、Energy Economics、Humanities and Social Sciences Communications(nature旗下刊物)、Pacific-Basin Finance Journal、International Review of Economics and Finance、Accounting & Finance等国际SSCI/SCI期刊发表多篇论文。主持广东省自然科学基金面上项目1项。