
题目:排放交易方案与跨境并购/Emission Trading Schemes and Cross-Border Mergers and Acquisitions






The emission trading scheme (ETS) provides a market mechanism to mitigate carbon emissions and has been introduced in many countries. Its fundamental idea is to make carbon emissions costly. Consequently, firms undertaking cross-border expansions may have to consider this extra cost when entering markets with an ETS. They may relocate their investment to countries without ETS. Using a large sample of international firms between 2002 and 2019, we investigate this issue via a difference-in-difference approach. Our results show that ETS implementation leads to significantly less cross-border merger and acquisition (M&A) deals in the host countries, indicating possible carbon leakage. Further analysis shows that ETS implementation decreases firms’ financial performance and increases market risks, both contributing to relocation decisions. We demonstrate clear evidence of cross-sectoral differences, where carbon-intensive sectors tend to bear higher costs. This study contributes to the climate finance literature and provides evidence with clear policy relevance.




现担任Finance Research Letters高级编辑;International Review of Financial Analysis 和 International Review of Economics and Finance副主编;曾担任 International Journal of Emerging Markets 高级编辑 (2018-2020),Emerging Markets Finance and Trade 副主编 (2016-2019),the Energy Journal, Energy Economics,Energy Policy,Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, Frontiers of Energy Research, Economics Policy and Analysis, Resources Conservation & Recycling,Sustainability Science等期刊客座主编。

中国能源金融学术联盟创始人;国际能源转型研究会(International Society for Energy Transition Studies)创始会员、执委会副理事长;中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会气候金融研究分会理事长;中国优选法统筹法与经济数学研究会低碳发展管理专业委员会常务理事;中国能源环境与气候变化论坛理事;新兴市场研究学会(Society for the Studies of Emerging Markets)理事;西南财经大学能源与环境联合创新研究团队(TIERS)创始人。