时间/Time:2023年03月16日 09:00-10:00
线下会议地点/Place:北京师范大学珠海校区励耘楼B301智慧教室(LI Yun Building B301)
线上腾讯会议码/Tencent conference number:318-129-879
主题/Title: Do you know Public Economics?
主讲人/Speaker:LEE Insook 教授(Professor LEE Insook)
主办单位/Sponsor:北京师范大学湾区国际商学院 (BIBS)
LEE Insook,美国加州大学伯克利分校经济学博士,主要研究方向为公共经济学、税收与经营策略、社会保险等。曾任北大汇丰商学院助教授,硕士生导师,风险管理与保险研究中心、绿色经济研究中心成员。曾任B ritish Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies 联合编辑、 Advances in Economics and Business 审稿人;任韩国养老金协会(Korea Pension Association)国际机构主席等。在 Applied Economics 等国际期刊发表论文十余篇,以SSCI为主。在北大汇丰商学院期间长期独立承担 Mathematics for Economics 、 Taxation and Business Strategies 、 Social Insurance 、 Political Institutes and Economic Development 、 Research Methodology of Economics 、 Public Finance 等研究生课程教学,指导硕士近二十人。
LEE Insook, Ph.D. in Economics, University of California, Berkeley, USA, mainly focuses on public economics, taxation and business strategies, social insurance, etc.She was once an assistant professor of the HSBC Business School of Peking University, a master's supervisor, and a member of the Risk Management and Insurance Research Center and the Green Economy Research Center. She used to be co editor of British Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies and reviewer of Advances in Economics and Business; She served as the chairman of the Korea Pension Association and other international institutions.She has published more than ten papers in applied economics and other international journals, mainly SSCI. During her tenure in the HSBC Business School of Peking University, she has independently undertaken the teaching of postgraduate courses such as Mathematics for Economics, Taxation and Business Strategies, Social Insurance, Policy Institutes and Economic Development, Research Methodology of Economics, Public Finance, etc., and directed nearly 20 masters.