湾区国际商学院廖夏伟博士在英国商学院协会三星期刊、SCI环境管理领域Top期刊《环境管理》(Journal of Environmental Management)发表高水平论文

近日,北京师范大学湾区国际商学院特聘副研究员廖夏伟博士以唯一通讯作者身份在环境管理领域1区TOP 期刊《Journal of Environmental Management》上发表了题为《Too ill to cure? – An uncertainty-based probabilistic model assessment on one of China’s most eutrophic lakes》的研究论文。该研究与中国南水北调集团、北京大学环境科学与工程学院、北京英特利为环境科技有限公司等单位的研究人员共同合作完成。《环境管理》期刊也是英国商学院协会(The Association of Business School, 简称ABS)所出版的高质量学术期刊指南ABS列表的三星期刊,2022年的影响因子为8.91。



论文摘要:Eutrophication is a global challenge, which is exemplified by the tremendous efforts but little results in restoring the sixth largest and also one of the most eutrophic freshwater lakes in China, Lake Dianchi. Considering large parametric uncertainties in water quality modeling, the traditionally used deterministic water quality model is expanded to a probabilistic model to explore the Lake Dianchi’s potential responses to different levels of pollutant load reductions. The results show that, given the long pollution history and severe pollution state in Lake Dianchi, a minimum pollution load reduction by half (base year 2003) is required to maintain the water quality state as it is now in 40 years. At least a 60% nutrient load reduction is required to generate any likelihood of water quality improvement, however, the system stabilizes quickly after about 10 years, which may explain why tremendous investments have generated little results. 80% of nutrient load reduction for 40 years has 95% probability of meeting the TN target but only a below 50% (45%) probability in meeting the TP target, and even less to meet water quality target for Chla. The feasibility of ever reaching the Chinese drinking water standards for total phosphorous and total nitrogen is questionable.